When You Take Your Shabbat & Shalom With You

Saturday, I had the privilege of being in the company of five faith-filled authors from different walks of life and different walks with Adonai. These amazing folks wrote in a variety of genres. One author, Deborah Edmisten, is a dear friend I met in a local writers’ group. Three others, Betty Kulich, Michael Parker, and Dianna Caraballo, I’ve met at previous events. And Marrissa Saunders was the new girl on the block, but she fit in with this group so seamlessly, it felt as if we’d known her forever.

Kern’s Home & Garden & Christian Bookstore hosted their Spring Open House, and the above-mentioned friends and I, all local authors, participated. This is the third such event that I’ve attended at Kern’s, and I must say the word I kept hearing yesterday was “magical.”

The greenhouses were a small glimpse into what Eden must have looked like, and truly, Adonai walked among us. A sweet Spirit pervaded the day as we authors came together in love and friendship. I am blessed to have these writers in my life.

The best part was when some of the authors had the opportunity to pray with patrons. And that’s when it hit me. Every writer present brought rest and peace with them yesterday as they ministered to the individuals who approached their respective table. The unseen hand of Adonai directed each person to the correct author, who in turn reached out to customers via their writing. HaShem was glorified repeatedly, and I knew this to be true when the people who conversed with us were so open about their faith and needs.

If you weren’t able to visit with us yesterday, fear not! The books written by these wonderful writers are still available, and if you’ll bear with me and stay tuned, I promise to make it easy for you to locate their books. Until then ~

Baruch HaShem!

We’re Gonna Have a Good Time

Hello, Realmers! If you missed my Tuesday post, Celebration at Realm Central, then head on over to find out what the excitement is all about. And once you do, come on out to the Kern’s Home & Garden & Christian Bookstore Spring Open House between the hours of 9 AM and 4 PM to get in on the celebration.

Realm turned one this past Tuesday, April 16, 2024. I cannot begin to tell you how exciting and humbling that is all at once. The best part is that I’ll be in the presence of five faith-filled authors as I celebrate the anniversary of my first novel’s publication.

These wonderful writers will also be signing their books for purchase. The first one hundred guests to attend the Spring Open House will receive a complimentary gift bag, and drawings for a Bible, a signed Willow Tree figurine, an Inis fragrance gift bag, a hanging basket, and an herb garden round out the fun!

Support local authors, shop small business, and be rewarded generously for doing so.

See you Saturday,

HL Gibson

Celebration at Realm Cental

Exactly one year ago today, I gathered with family and friends to celebrate the launch of my first novel, Realm.

When the idea for Realm first came to me, I held the concept loosely because it had a sci-fi element, and I didn’t write sci-fi. But I mentioned the story to my mother and expounded on some plots points and character construction that I thought would make the tale interesting, and she was hooked. She encouraged me to begin writing, at least to see where it would take me.

And, since I didn’t have another story swirling around my brain, demanding to be brought to life, I set to work. I’ve mentioned before that I’m a plotting-panster, so without an outline, I pounded away at the laptop, and Realm began to take shape.

I credit everything that Realm is to Adonai alone because, as I said, I didn’t know what the story was going to be until I typed it. Even though I had a few plot points and characters, Realm literally unfolded every time I sat down to work on it.

The story was going well until I reached a point where I had to decide what kind of story, exactly, Realm was going to be. There were elements of science, but as my brilliant beta reader soon discovered, it wasn’t about the science. I wasn’t interested in creating an alien aspect for my novel even though it was set far in the future. Clearly, Realm isn’t true sci-fi or science fantasy.

There are some people my protagonist meets who aren’t humans, and he meets them when he’s not on Earth. Still, those points weren’t the crux of my story. So, what kind of book is Realm? Into which genre should it be placed?

The deciding factor for Realm happened when I needed to build a world for these special people. However, more than their world or their physical appearance, I realized it was extremely important to define the way these off-worlders led their lives. And that’s when it hit me.

Why shouldn’t the Realmers believe in the one and only living God?

I’ve read a couple books that attempted to create a new belief system or borrow tenets of true faith and blend it with their own creations, and in both cases, it was done quite poorly and to the point of distraction. I didn’t want that for Realm.

So, I set about forging a relationship between the Realmers and the One who, in their language, they call the Liabish Tag, or Infinite One. And that’s when the writing really began to flow!

I always wanted Realm to glorify HaShem alone. That was my goal for publishing, and that is why Realm is the success it is even though its genre isn’t one hundred percent accurately depicted by the labels I was required to attach to it for the sake of marketing. Realm is the type of book that must be experienced, and then I leave it up to the individual to decide what genre they read.

It may seem strange to some people to use fiction as a mode of conveyance for El Elyon’s truths, but words have long been a favorite medium of El Shaddai, and I’m humbled and honored that He bestowed upon me the ability to imitate Him in my creative endeavors by also using words. Think parables, if you’re still not convinced.

Last year, I chose to launch Realm after Pesach because I didn’t want anything to distract my loved ones from keeping one of Adonai’s most holy moedim, i.e., appointed times. This year, I’m privileged to be celebrating the one-year anniversary of Realm in the week leading up to Passover. Baruch HaShem for His perfect timing yet again.

This past year, I’ve enjoyed the book signings I was blessed to attend, but even more, the friendships that were established because I stepped out in faith, turned everything over to God, and wrote a book that glorified my Savior.

Haven’t traveled through the Realm yet? Fear not, dear readers. It’s never too late to become a Realmer. Come join us! We’re a good bunch of people all on the same journey toward a glorious conclusion.

Baruch haba b’Shem Adonai!

With much love,

HL Gibson

Just Another Thursday Update

If you didn’t read the title of this blog to the tune of “Just Another Manic Monday,” then go back and do so immediately because this won’t be one of my weird Thursday updates if you don’t!

Okay, Realmers, now that we have that out of the way, allow me to update you on what’s happening here at Realm Central. We’re stuck.

You know I’ve been editing, and according to my own report, it’s going very well. And then I hit Chapter 25a, or as I like to call it The Wall. And it may not even be the twenty-fifth chapter by the time I’m finished editing, but right now, it has a Post-it flag bearing the indicator 25a.

My current WIP isn’t coming together in the same fashion my previous novels have, and that’s okay. There’s a lot more blending of short scenes that are required based on which character has what knowledge about the situation. Still, I’m trying hard not to have chapters comprised of nothing but a few paragraphs.

On the other hand, if the perspective, details, and timeline require that the scene be written but also make it awkward to attach the passage to a previous or following chapter, then I find myself in a quandary about how to proceed.

So, after several days of edits and re-writes, what did I do? I made stollen. You heard me right. When one creative outlet develops a log jam, I step away and channel my energies into something equally creative and no less satisfying. I mean, c’mon—I’m going to eat delicious, homemade stollen in about ten minutes with a cup of tea.

And speaking of tea, and poets for that matter, I spent yesterday (an official writing day for me) at the home of my sweet friend, Cat Russell. Time spent with Cat is always an amazing recharge, and our conversations are interesting. She introduced me to my first experience with display tea (also known as blooming tea), and although I forgot to take a picture because I was so impressed with the art of the process, I thoroughly enjoyed my cup of tea and the flower that emerged in the glass teapot.

Here’s a photo from the Internet to give you an idea of what I had the pleasure of experiencing. The best part was that my husband gave me a glass teapot for Hanukkah, and while I thought it was unique and pretty, I didn’t realize it had a specific purpose. But then I don’t think he did either.

Check out Cat’s poetry, books, and blog at Cat Russell ~ Writer, Reader, Bibliophile Extraordinaire.

As for me, I’m refueled with tea and stollen, so it’s back to put “another brick in The Wall” or perhaps remove one or two. Or a whole row of them. Where’s my sledgehammer?

Words Count

Hello, Realmers! If you’ve been with me for the last few posts, you know I’ve stepped back from writing to undertake some serious editing. I knew for a few chapters that I needed to do so, but I was trying to finish my current WIP before I conducted any edits. I had heard or read several years ago that this was the best way to proceed so that I didn’t become bogged down in edits, which might prevent me from ever completing my WIP as I spun my wheels fretting over changes.

I am so glad I overcame my fears in that regard and didn’t take the advice.

What I found as I returned to the beginning of my current WIP is a couple structural errors, which needed to be smoothed out so specific details and certain plotlines would be accounted for. There was much as the author that I knew but hadn’t been conveyed in such a way as to ensure my reader picked up on important points without me spoon feeding the story to them.

All the plotters are nodding knowingly and thinking this is why we outline our story. But if I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to write as I created my story, how could I have outlined it? And I certainly wasn’t interested in “finding my groove” as I have heard many plotters say, which to me interprets as “I write the same story over and over again, which makes plotting that with which I am familiar quite easy, and all I do is change the names to fool people into thinking it’s a new story.”

I know that sounds harsh but stick with me because I’m honestly not criticizing plotters. If plotting works for you, do it. It just doesn’t work for me because if I’m going to spend time writing, it’s going to be toward the actual WIP and not an outline that I know I’m going to change and/or from which I’ll stray anyhow. Exploring the rabbit trails is an exciting part of the writing process for me.

This entire scenario prompted me to look up a favorite quotation that has been attributed to Flannery O’Connor and goes something like “I Do Not Know What I Think Until I Read What I’m Writing.” However, and this is a sidebar to the point of my post, it appears that Flannery wasn’t the only author, or perhaps even the first author, to express that she needed to write her thoughts down and, dare I say it, edit her writing to reflect what she actually meant?

Follow the link above to find out how many other authors expressed this same sentiment regarding their writing. You might be pleasantly surprised to find out that you’re not alone. But here’s the thrust of my blog post. Do something toward your writing as often as you’re able.

If word count works for you, then set a goal and write toward it. If accountability works, then let someone know how you’re progressing so praise or guidance can be offered. Maybe writing for a set time on a set day is your thing. Great! Find whatever works to keep you writing and remember that editing is a part of this process.

The thing I would warn you against is beating yourself up when a goal isn’t met.

I like to achieve a thousand words during a writing session, but I hold that goal loosely. I have sat for an entire day and only banged out three hundred mediocre words, but I stood up from my laptop with the understanding that something was better than nothing. And there are times when I’ve had an hour while dinner cooked, and I cranked out sixteen hundred brilliant words that I couldn’t believe came from my brain.

And there are days that I don’t write at all because I need to read, relax, tend to friends and family, fulfill obligations, etc. These are also good days because I recharge my energy and refuel my thought process.

Writing is hard but writing is worth it. Will I return to my WIP today or will this blog post be the only thing I create? Right at this moment, I honestly couldn’t say. There’s a cup of tea and the desire for a nap vying for attention over the great chapter edit which surfaced last night right before bed. Fear not, Realmers, I wrote it down.

Checking In from Realm Central

Hello, Realmers! As I looked at my blog today, I saw three Quotation Stations in a row just as I knew I would, and that’s when guilt prompted me to compose a post that wasn’t a brief wave in passing. So, as I sit here consuming a strawberry banana smoothie while classical music plays in the background, let me tell you what’s been happening here at Realm Central.

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I paused in my writing to edit my current work in progress. I’ve heard this isn’t the best way to do things, that one should complete the work before editing, that I should have outlined my novel so this didn’t occur, but that’s not how I work. Like so many writers who came before me, I must start writing even the barest sliver of an idea before I can see where it’s going to take me.

Fortunately, as I worked through the details of my storyline, I found things that I, with my store of authorial knowledge, assumed had been clearly conveyed in my manuscript. I reworked certain passages to make sure what needed to be expressed was present without spoon feeding the story to my readers. I’m pleased with how these sections became sharper, and very soon, I’ll resume writing.

One exciting thing I’d like to share with you, Realmers, is the opening of Ohio Tea Co. at their new location. If you haven’t discerned by now that I have a passion for tea, you must visit the Tuesday Tea section of my blog. Ohio Tea Co. is featured there quite heavily as they are not only local but also one of my favorite places to procure amazing teas. If you can’t visit, then be sure to order something from them. You won’t be disappointed. I’m still thrilled at having been the first customer in the shop the day they opened. Congratulations once again to Ohio Tea Co.

Other brief updates include a lovely Valentine’s dinner enjoyed with our dear friends, Doug and Jeanette Nelson. Doug is my primary beta reader, and Jeanette handled much of the marketing for Realm. We ate like kings at Café Anatolia, visited Frank’s Hebrew Bookstore, shopped at Legacy Village, and finished the day with cocktails and cheesecake at The Cheesecake Factory.

I’m still working with my young writing mentoree as well as the little fella I’m helping prepare for kindergarten. Truly, I am the one blessed every time we meet. What started as an exercise in paying it forward has blossomed into the sweetest relationships. I love these kids!

The weather is improving in my neck of the woods, but having lived here all my life, I know this is simply Fool’s Spring. Still, getting out to walk in the sunshine really gets my creative juices flowing, which means the sooner I complete my current WIP, the sooner I get to publishing the second in the Realm universe. There’s usually an increase in posts during this time as I don’t have a major work of my own to concentrate on, so stayed tuned.

One thing I am looking forward to doing is beta reading for my beta reader! He’s very close to printing his edited first version, and then we’ll spend some time poring over the whole manuscript again. Reading for someone else is such a unique experience, and I highly recommend finding a beta reader who can work one-on-one with you from the beginning of your story through to the end.

Not sure how to go about the beta reading process? Read How Do Beta Readers Work? from my editor, Kori Frazier Morgan of Inkling Creative Strategies. The next step will be to introduce Doug to Kori. I know the writing/working relationship will produce great things.

That just about sums up my life at the moment. Have a great day, Realmers.

Haiku, Cut, Paste

Hello, Realmers! It’s time for another weird Thursday post, but at least I have something to report.

If you follow me on Facebook, you’ll know that my poet friend, Cat Russell, challenged me to ten days of writing haiku. She said I’m doing a good job, but I’ll be the first to admit that I’m no poet. It’s an artform that is beyond me, and often, I just don’t understand it.

I learned the 5-7-5 technique of haiku in grade school, and if you take the time to read my poetry, you’ll see I never advanced past grade school haiku. I’ve been using lovely fonts and backgrounds in my posts as a distraction from all the mediocre poems. I think it’s working.

If I didn’t already have other writing goals to achieve, I’d devote time to learning poetry, although I believe poetry is better when it comes naturally. And honestly, I don’t need another hobby right now, which is why I’m also not pursuing jewelry making.

As for my writing, I keep editing my current WIP, and I haven’t finished it yet. Plotters are pulling their hair right now and screaming, “If you would have outlined your novel, this wouldn’t happen.” Yes, it would because while the overarching story has been in place from the beginning, it’s the details I’m working out. But hey, if plotters are so good that they can anticipate such details from the onset, then more power to them and their outlines.

My eyes went buggy from having so many chapters open on the laptop that I reverted to the printed page. And then, in joyful glee, I went to work with my Post-It flags. Everything is color-coded with notes. I’m even creating a timeline to double-check myself.

I find sifting through the pages is easier, so laugh all you want but hold a few chuckles in reserve for when I tell you that I’m prepared to literally cut and tape certain passages as I edit. I’ve done it before when I needed a visual for the large portions of text I moved. I’m a very tactile person, and while working on my laptop is my preferred method when writing, sometimes a writer must do whatever is necessary to keep moving forward.

I believe that’s everything to report currently. I’ll keep you updated on my progress, so stay tuned, Realmers!

January at Realm Central

The bleak days of January are upon us, and even though it looks as if I’ve abandoned my loyal followers, nothing could be farther from the truth. I will admit that this month has been a little off, but I finally managed to find my groove.

I completed the holidays basking in the glow of fond memories as well as the welcome relief that arrives once they’re over. That’s not to say that we didn’t have a wonderful time celebrating with friends and family, but let’s not pretend the holidays aren’t a lot of work.

I slipped into January and the new year on quite a high, and I assumed I’d channel that into my writing. In all honesty, I absolutely have no idea what knocked me off course to the point that just this past week, I sat myself down and commenced working.

But January has been full of good things, so don’t think I haven’t been productive.

First, my primary beta reader and good friend, Doug Nelson, is very close to completing his first novel. I’m so excited to be beta reading for him because I absolutely love the concept of his story. I don’t want to give it away, but permit me to say that it’s a labor born of love for his children, who are now adults, and the novel has its origins rooted deeply in a tradition he started with them when they were just pups!

Second, I’ve acquired a little writing mentee, AKA protégé or mentoree. She’s adorable, vivacious, and brilliant. The connection came somewhat out of the blue, but when offered the prospect of working with this wonderful young lady, I welcomed the opportunity. Now, I look forward to our bi-weekly meetings where we brainstorm, write, and edit, and I have the blessed occasion of giving back and paying it forward all at once. Baruch HaShem for young writers coming up through the ranks!

Third, I’ve been asked to work with the sweetest little fella to prepare him for kindergarten. I’d forgotten how fun teaching ABCs and writing can be as my own precious son is a young adult. The best part is the relationship I can see budding between me and the preschooler. And I’d be fibbing if I said I wasn’t developing a deep affection for the little guy.

Lastly, I’ve received several requests for the next installment of Realm. Perhaps I’m naïve, and please don’t interpret this as false humility, but I was rather shocked and not a little pleased to hear such comments. Truth be told, the next book has been written for well over a year. Here’s the thing: I don’t do anything fast, and I can’t be pressured into making a move until I sense the time is right, which, admittedly, is a small part of me getting my act together but also a large part of seeking HaShem’s guidance.

All of 2023 was devoted to Realm. I also have a goal of finishing the third installment of the series before moving toward publication of the second book. Then there is my involvement with my friend’s novel and whether or not he’ll publish this year, and if so, when. It’s important that he receives the attention and support I was blessed to enjoy during the publication of my first novel, Realm.

In closing, you can see that while the writing has been slow in coming, and is more like editing at this point, I have been productive during January. Keep in mind that the writing life isn’t something that produces measurable results for everyone to see, which is why there have been three Quotation Stations in a row and nothing in the way of a new post until this one coming to you at an odd hour on a Thursday.

Still, I’m excited to see what Adonai brings into my life this year, overall and in writing. As always, my novel is available at BookBaby in hardback and softcover. If you haven’t journeyed through the Realm, you’ll need to do so before the second book arrives.

Until then, stay tuned, Realmers!

The Best of Realm Central 2023

Well, Realmers, here we are at the end of 2023! I don’t know about you, but it’s been an exciting year, and I’m thankful for the many blessings Adonai has bestowed upon me and my family. Since I’ll be keeping Shabbat and celebrating New Year’s with family, I thought today would be a good day to reminisce the past year.

My debut novel Realm launched in April. After all the writing, editing, beta reading, editing, more beta reading, professional editing, choosing a launch date, ordering and sending invitations, planning the party, and then going forward with the book launch party, all I can say is THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU for making my dream of publication come true. I couldn’t have done it without all the love and support I received along the way.

One of the neatest experiences I had with promoting Realm was the creation of an unboxing video, book trailer, and scene re-creation with Heath and Michelle Smith. Be sure to check out the videos on YouTube at HL Gibson.

In May, I held a successful book signing at Thirty-two 8 Inspired & Co. where I made a new friend in baker and chocolatier, Michelle Kostich of Shell’s Confections. What a privilege and pleasure it has been to support each other in our chosen professions, but our friendship really is the icing on the cake, cupcakes, and cookies.

Another amazing book signing took place at Therapy Ice Cream & Coffee Bar in June, and several more people became Realmers that day. Many wonderful beta reading and editing sessions took place at Therapy. Lots of ice cream and coffee were consumed at Therapy. And it is with a heavy yet grateful heart that we bid a fond farewell to Therapy and wish the owners a happy retirement. You will be missed.

I kept writing during this time, but it was mostly blog posts regarding what I mentioned above. One of the best things to occur was the large amounts of positive feedback I received about Realm. I produced a decent amount of monthly marketing by creating my own ads for social media, which were well-received. Then there was a bit of a break for the summer, and I worked a bit on writing toward my current WIP.

My next event was my first multi-author book signing at Kern’s Home & Garden & Christian Bookstore. I coordinated with nursery owner, Heidi Flack, and the authors who participated, to create some lovely advertising for the Fall Open House. The weather was perfect on both days of the event, and the customers enjoyed having us there.

So, we did it again in December for the Winter Wonderland Open House! This time, in addition to lovely headshots, the advertising included a short bio about each author. Again, the day was perfect, and customers picked up some great reading material for themselves and as gifts.

Since I found my groove with creating my own ads, I finished my year with social media advertising because I wanted to focus on my family during the holidays. I also threw myself into working steadily on my current WIP, and while I’m cautiously optimistic, I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel for this one.

The big challenge regarding my current WIP in the coming year will be to stay focused and on track with concluding the novel. “What’s vying for your attention?” you ask. Well, it’s faithful fans and followers who keep asking when the next book in the world of Realm is due to be published. I must admit that I honestly did not expect that to occur quite so soon, and I’m going to have to look at my schedule to decide the logistics of publishing the next book. It’s all rather exciting and scary.

Stay tuned as I manage things here at Realm Central. If you haven’t already become a Realmer, be sure to pick up your copy of Realm today. You’re going to require the info in Realm as a foundation for the next book.

As always, I make the plans, commit them to Adonai, and He gives the go-ahead or adjusts the details as needed before I move forward. This is my secret to success, and it’s worked every time.

Wishing you and yours a Blessed New Year in 2024!

Lights in the Realm

Hello, Realmers! What a busy time it’s been here at Realm Central. Starting with Thanksgiving, my time has been concentrated toward planning, a post-celebratory pause to catch my breath, and then diving right into the next event. Still, I need to catch up with all my faithful followers.

In case you missed it, I had the pleasure of attending a book signing at Kern’s Home & Garden & Christian Book Store during their Winter Wonderland Open House on December 2, 2023. What a wonderful time and a great turnout we had. Five local authors, in addition to myself, were present to share their book(s) and sign purchased copies. If supporting small and/or local business and indie authors is your bag, then I highly recommend seeking out any one of us for a great book to give and stopping at Kern’s for all your holiday needs.

Prepping for Hanukkah came swiftly on the heels of Thanksgiving and the book signing. Mom and I hashed out a menu, gifts were acquired, and I didn’t decorate one single bit. Now before you think I’m a Grinch, allow me to explain in two words: five . . . cats. That’s right! It’s a little-known fact that the second miracle of Hanukkah at the Gibson household is the survival of any tissue paper in the gifts bags beyond the moment they are set out. It’s in Adonai’s hands now.

Here’s the appropriate blessing for the first night of Hanukkah:

I hope you’ll be encouraged to participate because at the heart of the celebration, it’s about Adonai’s light, truth, and miracles. Who wouldn’t want to celebrate that?

Speaking of which, my darling husband was so inspired by the words of our congregational leader, Timothy Pell, spoken this past Shabbat. Tim taught about Hanukkah, and all week Will couldn’t stop talking about his desire to shine the lights of Hanukkah more brightly than ever.

It’s no secret to anyone that Israel is in the fight of her life right now or that the Gibson household stands with Israel forever! Will wanted to decorate our trees with blue and white lights, but his work schedule and the weather were against us. I could tell how much it meant to my husband, so I proposed tealights that we could burn in addition to our hanukkiah. Yes, it would be indoors, but with a large quantity, we could make our little home glow with the light of Hanukkah.

So, two hundred tealights later (that’s twenty-five a night if you’re wondering), Will is locked and loaded to shine the light into the darkness.

In closing, dear friends, another reason why I haven’t posted recently is because of you! Or rather for you. Confused? It’s easy, really. I’m writing again, and as always, it’s for you and with you in mind.

Realm has been so well received ever since I launched my debut novel this past April. The reviews are spectacular, and the requests for a sequel nonstop. I plan on waiting until the first of the year to decide for sure, but serious thought about publishing the next book in the Realm-verse has been placed at the forefront of my mind. I honestly didn’t think it would happen so soon or be so desired. What a blessing! But when you have the best followers and fans, it’s to be expected.

Thank you, Realmers! Stay tuned, we’ll see you at sundown, and have a Happy Hanukkah.

~The Gibsons